Un piacere partecipare all’International Web Conference on Wine Law organizzata da Università di Salamanca (Spagna), dall’Università di Parigi-Sorbona e ESHTE – Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril (Portogallo), per parlare di enoturismo e legislazione in Italia.
Di seguito, il programma completo dell’evento.
16th September | 10 am (GMT+1) Lisbon
10:00-10:15 | Opening session Raúl Filipe | President of Estoril Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Studies (ESHTE)
10:15-12:30 Chairman: Carlos Brandão | ESHTE
Paola Gelato, Italy | Jacobacci Law Firm, Geographical indications and designation of origin in the wine field
Giuliano Lemme, Italy | Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Wine Labelling
Tatjana Josipovic, Croatia | Faculty of Law University of Zagreb, Vineyard register (Regulation 1308/2013 and Regulation 2018/273)
Duilio Cortassa, Italy | LJ Lex Studio Legale, Labelling and Packaging of the Wine in a European and Italian perspective
Charlotte de Reynal, France | Avocat, The French example: advertising in France: a fool’s game
Matija Damjan, Slovenia | University of Ljubljana, Homonymous names of wines and wine grape varieties: the case of Teran
September 16th Afternoon Session
15:00-18:00 Chairmen: Carlos Torres and João Amaral
Tomás Prieto Álvarez, Spain | University of Burgos, Designations of origin within the EU: legal challenges
Felio José Bauzá Martorell, Spain | University of Balearic Islands, Legal Protection of the Consumer of Alcoholic Beverages
M. Del Mar Gómez Lozano, Spain | Almeria University, Las marcas de uso compartido para indicaciones geográfi cas de productos vitivinícolas
Javier Melgosa Arcos, Spain | University of Salamanca, The regulation of organic wine in the European Union
Claudia Madrid Martínez, Venezuela | Universidad Central de Venezuela, Algunas notas sobre el régimen jurídico del vino
Gonzalo Casanova Ferro, Argentina | Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), Wine Law in Argentina
17th September | 10 am (GMT+1) Lisbon
10:00-12:30 Chairwoman: Manuela Guerra | ESHTE
Stéphanie Pelet and Pierre Morrier, France | Alinea, Avocats Associés, Which potential changes for the wine sector in in the future Common Agricultural Policy?
Roner Fabris, Brazil | International Wine Law Association, Wine Promotion
Freddy Andrés Hung Gil, Cuba | Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de La Habana, Analysis for a legal profi le of the import, production and marketing of wines in Cuba
Caterina del Federico, Italy | Università di Bologna, Wine Sale
Roberta Garibaldi, Italy | University of Bergamo, Wine Tourism and Law
Marie-Elvire de Moro-Giafferri, France | Attorney-at-Law, Protection of Wine Names by Trademark Law
September 17th Afternoon Session
15:00-18:00 Chairman: Javier Melgosa Arcos | USAL
Carlos E. Armas Morales, Peru | Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Evolución y evaluación de las leyes inherentes al vino en el Peru
Mariani ML, Cascón P, Villach M, Moyano M, Giudice M, Pellegrino A, Penissi AB, Argentina | Research Institute, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Aconcagua, Wine, Polyphenols and Health Benefits
Julio Facal, Uruguay | Universidad de la Republica de Uruguay, Uruguay y el vino. Situación actual y marco legal
Michael Tanti-Dougall, Malta | The Wine Industry Regulation in Malta – A Legal Perspective
Marcelo Oliveira, Brasil | Chacon, Macedo, Oliveira Law Firm – CMO Lawyers, Wine in Brazil – legislation and wine tourism ‘enoturismo’
Marcos Iglesias Caridad, Spain | Universidad de Salamanca, La fiscalidad del vino y de otras bebidas alcohólicas: marco español y europeo
Mateo Estrella Dúran, Ecuador | Universidad de Cuenca-Ecuador, Wine Law in Equador
Sandra S. Arcos Valcárcel, Argentina | UBA, Contratos turísticos en materia de turismo rural
Ardyllis Soares, Brazil | UniCEUB, Consumer protection related to Wine Law – a global perspective
Ricardo Poccioni, Argentina | Organización Profesional de la Vitivinicultura Argentina
Francisca Ramón Fernández and Cristina Lull Noguera, Spain | Universitat Politècnica de València, Wine Sale Formation of the sales contract Sale’s effects. Special regimes regarding the wine sale Particular types of sale
Carlos Torres, Portugal | ESHTE, Definition of Wine